Max Heinritz > Posts

Backend dev boot

It’s helpful to have a standard script for booting up the application in the development environment. Here’s one such example.

  "dev": "scripts/",
  "build:generated": "mkdir -p dist/generated && cp -r generated dist/",

Where scripts/


scripts/ 3000
yarn build:generated
NODE_ENV=development nest start --watch

Where scripts/


echo "Killing any existing service running on port $1..."
lsof -ti:$1 | xargs kill -9

Where scripts/


echo 'Checking that Docker services are reachable...'

if curl localhost:9200 2>&1 | grep -q 'Failed to connect to localhost'; then
  echo 'Elasticsearch is not reachable. Is Docker running?' && exit 1

if echo PING | nc localhost 6379 2>&1 | grep -q 'Failed to connect to localhost'; then
  echo 'Redis is not reachable. Is Docker running?' && exit 1

if curl localhost:5432 2>&1 | grep -q 'Failed to connect to localhost'; then
  echo 'PostgreSQL is not reachable. Is Docker running?' && exit 1