Dev frontend with prod backend
During frontend development, I like being able to connect directly to the production backend from development frontend. For example:
# dev frontend
# use a button in the dev frontend UI
# to toggle between either:
# (1) dev backend
# or (2) prod backend
Use cases
- Developing against higher volumes of data. In the dev environment you might seed a few dozen fake entities, but in production you can see how pagination behaves with real-world entity counts – often many orders of magnitude higher than the fake data.
- Developing against specific shapes of data. Some production data may be difficult to replicate in the backend dev environment. With a dev frontend talking to a prod backend, you can open the relevant page and iterate directly on the behavior with hot reload.
- Manually testing a multi-step workflow. Ideally, the backend dev environment can generate enough fake data to complete full workflows throughout the app. But sometimes this is not feasible, and running through a workflow against a prod demo or dev tenant using a dev frontend is a good fallback for manual testing.
Using cookies
If you are logged in with a cookie-based session on the prod frontend, then a cookie set there can be sent by the browser even when requests are made from the dev frontend at a different URL – so long as SameSite is set to None
The permissions and security of the production backend still apply when using the dev frontend. The developer is logged in as their production user and has the same permissions with the dev frontend as they would have with prod frontend.
The frontend implementation involves React Context:
import { noop } from "lodash";
import { createContext } from "react";
export const BackendUrlContext = createContext<{
backendUrl: string | undefined;
setBackendUrl: (backendUrl: string) => void;
checkBackendUrl: () => void;
// True if dev frontend talking to prod backend
// or prod frontend talking to dev backend.
isOtherEnvBackendUrl: boolean;
backendUrl: undefined,
setBackendUrl: noop,
checkBackendUrl: noop,
isOtherEnvBackendUrl: false,
And a React provider.
import { ReactNode, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import {
} from "src/common/constants/backend-url";
import { readCookie, writeCookie } from "src/common/cookie/cookie";
import { AppCookieName } from "src/common/cookie/cookie.registry";
import { isProdFrontend } from "src/common/util/env.util";
import { BackendUrlContext } from "./BackendUrlContext";
const BackendUrlProvider = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => {
const [backendUrl, setBackendUrlImpl] = useState<string | undefined>(
isProdFrontend() ? PROD_BACKEND_URL : undefined
const setBackendUrl = async (backendUrl: string) => {
await writeCookie(AppCookieName.BACKEND_URL, { backendUrl });
const checkBackendUrl = async () => {
const wrapper = await readCookie(AppCookieName.BACKEND_URL);
const backendUrl =
// Check the backend URL immediately upon page load.
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
if (!backendUrl) {
// Wait until the backend URL is set before loading the app.
return null;
const isOtherEnvBackendUrl =
return (
export default BackendUrlProvider;
Then when building the Relay or Apollo environment, the context can be used to initialize the network to use that particular backend.
// ...
const { backendUrl } = useContext(BackendUrlContext);
// ...use the backendUrl to configure the GraphQL client.
The thing to watch out for on the backend is that cookies need to be HTTPS and have sameSite: 'none'
// We need "none" because the frontends make requests to api.* from
// different domains.
sameSite: 'none',