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Qualified identifiers (QIDs)

For database IDs, I like to use “qualified identifiers” (or “QIDs”) with a schema as follows:




The format is similar to Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and the more general Universal Resource Name (URN) format. I first learned about the idea from Dana Powers, who introduced something similar at Flexport.

The <unique-identifier> is typically but not necessarily a UUID.

Use cases

QIDs are globally unique and fully qualified, and these properties offer some advantages over plain UUIDs or serial numeric identifiers.

Global lookup – The QID format supports global entity resolution: given a QID, get its value. This is useful for implementing the GraphQL global object specification as well as tooling for developers to quickly load QIDs and traverse associations. This can work across network-isolated services so long as there is a global registry.

Logs and error messaging – When searching through logs, it’s convenient to filter on a QID and see all logs related to that particular entity. Conversely, if you encounter a QID in a log or error message, it’s easy to resolve it to a value using the global lookup.

Data analytics – When joining rows from different tables or services, having QID values instead of unqualified identifiers makes it easier to manage and understand the result of complex joins.

Data validation – If you know an association is supposed to be to an entity of a particular type, you can parse QIDs to validate that expectation, even in situations where database-level foreign key constraints are not possible or desired.

Clearer field and column names – The term “id” is overloaded. In the past I’ve seen collisions between the GraphQL global “ID” concept and serial primary database IDs, as well as between the IDs of internal systems and external systems. Or relational database IDs vs Elasticsearch IDs, etc. With QIDs, it’s easier to disambiguate what’s what. In GraphQL-related code, an “id” can be an opaque GraphQL-specific concept, while a “QID” means something different and precise in all parts of the system: GraphQL API, database column names, REST API, gRPC, etc.


There are two main persistence options. QIDs can be stored in full in a primary key qid TEXT-type column in Postgres, or just the UUID part can be stored in isolation in a UUID-type column. The latter offers better storage and runtime performance. But it requires additional application logic to construct/deconstruct QIDs from UUIDs and also precludes the possibility of using QIDs as foreign keys, which means losing some of the benefits of qualification. I prefer to use TEXT qid columns and have foreign references also held in columns ending in _qid.

Global look up

Global QID lookup can be implemented with a registry of query services, either gRPC or simply in-memory services within a monolith application.

Having go/ links related to QIDs can be helpful. For example:

For development, it’s nice to have versions that resolve to the development URL path (for example, localhost:4000) go/dqid/<qid> and go/dq/<qid>.

Opaque TypeScript type

A Qid can be represented with an opaque type like this, rather than just be represented as a string:

export type Qid = string & { readonly [$qid]: true };
declare const $qid: unique symbol;

GraphQL custom scalar type

A Qid type can be registered as a GraphQL scalar using something like this on the backend and something like this on the frontend.

Domain prefixes

In some iterations, I’ve used a <service-or-domain-prefix> prior to the entity type. For example, the domain prefixes “ta” (tenant administration) and “nt” (transportation network) could be akin to s3 or ec2 in the AWS ecosystem. So a QID might look like:


But the problem with this is that if you want to rearrange code or shift domain boundaries, it involves a data migration when this prefix changes. Whereas with the entity type only, it’s possible to move an entity from one domain to another simply by moving code.