- Link tokens
- Frontend version info
- Prefixing Prisma models with Db
- Object–relational impedance mismatch
- Go for the large market caps
- Rich people, big companies
- Go for the growth
- Transaction boundaries
- Tenant env
- Tenant type
- Prefixed env vars
- Jest custom matchers
- Find missing indices
- Backend dev boot
- Wednesdays
- Selling to startups
- Dev frontend with prod backend
- Corp and client apps
- Bootstrap
- Backend entry point
- Entity type
- Backend run mode
- Atomic domain modules
- Step 1 and step 2
- Efficiency and change
- Isomorphic JavaScript
- Backend ctx
- Who are your customers?
- The game
- A problem you could have
- Event streaming
- Dependency graph
- Multi-tenancy and single-tenancy
- TablePlus
- PlantUML
- Monorepo vs multi-repo
- Money
- Laptop stats
- Enums
- Entities and value objects
- Domain-driven design
- Dev database utility
- Ideas for .zshrc
- Validation issues
- Startup stack
- React JSON pretty print
- Qualified identifiers (QIDs)
- Organizing backend code
- Go links and wikis
- Dates and times
- Backfills
- all
- software patterns
- tools
- culture
- useful code
- ddd
- startups
- frontend
- project management
- open source